Thursday, January 27, 2011

It's your life, so choose the path you take carefully...

This is a picture of Rehoboth Beach, DE. I love Rehoboth Beach, and have been going there forever, and I mean forever-i've been going since I was a baby, and my mom and grandma have gone there for summer vacation for over 50 years, so yes it is a wonderful (and might I add favorite) tradition of ours. Rehoboth Beach has amazing restaurants, such as SaltAir, which is a farm to table restaurant...and we all know how I feel about farm to table restaurants...have you tried one yet? You can definitely taste the difference...right? Which brings me to my next point...I am not making this entry so much about food, but more about happiness for our life and how to find it...but I am going to go off on a tangent and just quickly discuss a concept I read about a few weeks here it goes...

I was reading an op-ed article in the New York times, and the writer's name has escaped my mind as of now, but I will try and find it and link it to here. Anyway, she was discussing the concept of buying locally vs. buying organically and she made great sense!!! She discussed how people think that some organic foods are great for you, but in actuality they are damaged in shipment, don't always taste great, and are ruining the environment. THINK ABOUT buy a local non-organic tomato (in season of course), that most likely won't have any pesticides or chemicals anyway(because it's local and doesn't need to be preserved), or you buy an organic tomato shipped from california (most likely out of season) and it is packed and shipped via truck or plane, where it will get bruised and waste alot of energy on the way it travels. Having organic products from out-of-state doesn't help our local economy and really doesn't make much of a difference with our bodies. If you can buy products that are cultivated and harvested locally and are organic great, but you will reap the same benefits from a local non-organic piece of produce that is in season and will help your local economy. So when you go to the grocery store look to see where your produce is from and if it is outside of 100 mile radius, don't buy it...why buy produce when it is out of season? it's not even good! Make stuff that follows with the seasons and buy locally as best you can, and remember organic is great, but it's even better when it is local and when it's local , you can get the satisfaction of knowing you are eating great food and not harming the environment :) Great feeling isn't it? I know things are easier said than done, but remember one small change from each of us, can create a big change from all of us!!!

So now I am onto the happiness piece of this entry...What makes you happy? What makes you sad? Do the winter months get you down? I know they definately get me down...that is why I like to look at pictures from vacations I go on, especially our vacations to Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Soo, I have been going back and forth in my mind about why I have been down, a great majority of it has to do with the winter blues, I find winter to be soooo depressing! But then I also have this, that, and the other little life stressers pop up here and there. I also think things are going in some direction and they end up going in the complete opposite direction, or perhaps not opposite, perhaps they are just sedentary, but either way it gets disappointing and I get discouraged. So what have I been doing to make myself happy? Well I have been writing in my journal (recycled material of course) and penning all of my thoughts and feelings. I have been getting my hair blown dry at my salon, do facials, manicures, and pedicures for myself at home, which is a great relaxation...and something I highly recommend to help cure the winter blues...While I'd love to go on vacation to help make me happy, I know that it is not possible, until we go to Florida in May, which gives me something to look forward you have anything to  look forward to? I think that we can always make ourselves happy, if we find a way to calm our thoughts and just unwind and is important to remember that we are ultimately responsible for our own happiness, therefore we should always try to do something that makes us happy. We cannot place our hopes, dreams, emotions, and happiness in the hands of another person-for sure we can share with them- but, we are ultimately in charge of how are journey will be and how happy we are. It's also important to remember that if we can't make our own happiness no one can. So as we enter the end of January and end the first month of the new year, we must look to ourselves for guidance on how we can achieve our happiness and how we can hope for the best in 2011. Every day, something may be thrown at you, but know that you are not alone when it comes to that.We all are facing some sort of struggle or another, take comfort in that, because one day (though it may not seem like it), everything will change and you will see that life is full of beauty and eventually all of the bad stuff will begin to diminish and good will shine through, depend on yourself for happiness and hope for a brighter, better tomorrow (metaphorically speaking). And to wrap this into the theme of the blog, eating great food and lots of chocolate will help you to fill some area of happiness and come spring planting and gardening, as well as visiting local produce stands and farmers markets will work wonders. Also taking walks and just being outside. I look forward to spring and even though I have definitely felt down, in this wretched month of January, I am hoping and praying for awesome new experiences and looking to myself to become a better and more fulfilled person and will continue to work on my own happiness each day.

I hope that you will do the same.

If the winter months seem to be too much for you, and everything just seems to be going wrong, don't hesitate to call the suicide prevention life line:

1-800-273-TALK (*Press 1 for veterans)

You can talk to one of the people on the hot line, which can connect you with a local mental health provider and get you to help, because especially in these winter months and as we head into spring the going gets tough, but know that there is help and your life is totally worth living! *I also am trained in a variety of suicide prevention trainings such as QPR, SafeTALK, and ASIST, so if you're reading my blog and feeling distressed, I would be more than happy to connect you with resources that can help!

Hope you enjoyed this post and I hope that you will all find happiness and health and great food and produce in 2011. And remember help your LOCAL economy :)


  1. Daniela,

    I think you would find this entry interesting:

