Monday, May 30, 2011

How does your garden grow?

Above is a picture of our garden at the house (my mother's house that is, not the apartment). We planted most of it about a week or so ago, and added more within the past few days. We have lettuce, a variety of tomatoes, my one lonesome sunflower, a variety of peppers, zucchini, squash, musk melon, watermelon, broccoli, cauliflower, eggplant, parsley, basil, scallions/onions, beans, chives, rosemary, etc. I think we have a pretty decent garden and I am excited for the tasty, fresh, wonderful feeling of eating fruits and vegetables from your own garden! Any friends live within a 1-2 hr (or less) radius, feel free to get some veggies from me :). 

I hope with the warm weather coming up, you are gardening or hitting up your local farmers markets! The weather is nice and you have no excuses as to why you can't support your local economy, even if it's just one philosophy is: every penny counts :). Also, remember to buy fruits and vegetables that are seasonal, especially if you are buying them from the grocery store, because there are so many issues that go along with buying fruit out of season! A great date or activity would be to hit up your local farmer's market or roadside produce stand and stock up on fresh in-season items...and helping small businesses...or perhaps going strawberry picking (and blueberry & raspberry when they are in season!) ...just an idea. But seriously, even if you have a small space, try and grow just one tomatoes...or lettuce! Trust me, it will not only make you feel better to get vitamin D while planting, you'll also feel accomplished when  you actually see and use the produce :).

I have been thinking...another way to support your local economy is to order stuff that is from local places. The other day, when I was in the southern tier (of NYS) for work, I was about 2 hours from wine country...and I looked at the wine list and saw all the fancy chardonnay's from California, then I saw the semi-local NYS wine and I of course picked that! Boy, I am glad I did! It was delicious! Can you sense my excitement? It also felt good to know I purchased something that was from in-state and didn't use much fuel to get here! So when you are out, look at the wine list and try one of the local ones--if available! I also encourage beer drinkers to do the same!! Try one of the locally brewed beers and support your locally's really simply. I'm not going to lie, every now and then we pine for something that is not locally grown--California avocados-ahem...and it is totally fine to get them, but I think we should all try our best to support our local farms and local economy. 

I am in the process of reading a book that discusses farming and ancient civilizations, with focus on the farm to table concept...I plan on incorporating it into future blogs! 

If you have any ideas or suggestions, feel free to post them! I love when I get them! Thanks for reading!

and also, hope you all had a great Memorial day :)

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